Experts in Autism Spectrum and Neurodevelopmental Disorders


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    Our Clinical Services

    At A.M.P. Autism, we believe that it all starts with getting the right diagnosis.

    Developmental Disorders are complex as they typically originate in the brain. Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders have varying levels of severity across a spectrum, and are sometimes even combined with together or with other issues.

    There is a very low margin of error and little hope in positive treatment outcomes when a diagnosis is inaccurate. Without the proper evaluation, you could be missing out on low to no cost treatment programs offered by your local Regional Center, school district, other state or federal-funded entities, or medical insurance if qualified. That is why we have spent so much time building our diagnosis capabilities. We combine years of experience with the latest testing tools and advanced methodologies to deliver a thorough and reliable understanding of which developmental issues need to be tackled and how.

    Below is a list of the four categories of Diagnosis and Evaluation Services we currently offer:

    1. Initial Intake / Brief Consultation:

    Description: A 90-minute in-person intake meeting utilized to review client history, current challenges/needs, and determine a go-forward plan of action that may include a recommendation for a formal evaluation. A brief consultation is useful for a person who already has a diagnosis but may need further information on how to proceed with treatment recommendations.

    2. Neurodevelopmental Evaluations:

    Description: Typically involves several hours of in-person assessments across several days. After all information is collected, we will schedule a feedback appointment with the person and/or family to review test results, diagnoses, and treatment plan. We work several more hours to generate and in-depth diagnostic report.

    The specific type of evaluation, which is dependent upon which disorder(s) or issue(s) is suspected or discovered, includes any of the five following categories:

    a. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Evaluation:

    Specific to ASD, all testing practices are conducted per the Gold Standard established by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to evaluate for social communication impairments as well as restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. These include:

    • Social Communication Measures: Play, observation, or interview format that helps determine current social communication, play, unusual behaviors and interests, and developmental milestones across the lifespan.
    • Developmental History: A comprehensive evaluation of a person’s that look at social, communication, play, unusual behaviors and interests, and developmental milestones across the lifespan.
    • Neurocognitive Testing: Testing for intelligence/IQ, language, and other cognitive abilities across the verbal and nonverbal domains.
    • Current Adaptive Functioning: Evaluation of current independent living skills (e.g., communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills) relevant for daily life.

    b. Evaluations for General, Intellectual, and/or Language Delays:

    All testing practices meet or exceed the standards set by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) to evaluate delays in cognition, language, and independence. These include:

    • Neurocognitive Testing: Testing for intelligence/IQ, language, and other cognitive abilities specific to identify delays in verbal and nonverbal skills.
    • Current Adaptive Functioning: Evaluation of current independent living skills (e.g., communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills) relevant for daily life.

    c. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Evaluation:

    We leverage a variety of assessments and tests to arrive at the current DSM-5 criteria for ADHD by accurately evaluating symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These include:

    • Neurocognitive Testing: Testing for intelligence/IQ, language, information processing, attention, and executive functioning.
    • Psychiatric Interview: Standardized DSM-5 interviews with the client and other informants to identify ADHD as well as other similar psychological disorders.
    • Social/Emotional Measures: Assess for underlying social and emotional issues using behavior checklists, questionaries, and projective tests.
    • Other Information: Observations, records, and information from teachers and other providers if applicable.

    d. Learning Disabilities Evaluation:

    The specific assessments methodologies help determine if difficulties in learning are below expectancy for a person’s age and ability level and cause academic impairment. These include:

    • Neurocognitive Testing: Testing for Intelligence/IQ, language, information processing attention, and executive functioning.
    • Academic Achievement Testing: Testing of current academic level in oral language, reading, written expression, and mathematics.
    • Other Information: Observations, records, and information from teachers and other providers if applicable.

    e. Miscellaneous Child, Adolescent, and Adult Evaluations:

    Determining School Placement or Readiness: We help to assess whether or not the current or desired academic program is right for the individual. These include answering questions such as:

    • Is my child ready to start kindergarten?
    • Should my older child be held back a grade?
    • Should my child move to an accelerated program?
    • Is this the right school setting or class for my child?

    Giftedness Testing: Determining whether a child is gifted and can enroll into a Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program or private school tailored for gifted students.

    Accommodations for Testing: For those who have certain developmental or psychological disorders and need to take a standardized test (such as the SAT, MCAT, GRE, etc.), we help secure special accommodations. We do this by leveraging the protections set forth by the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Accommodations vary, but the most common includes getting more time to take tests.

    3. Psychodiagnostic Evaluations:

    Description: Typically involves several hours of in-person assessments across several days. After all information is collected, we will schedule a feedback appointment with the person and/or family to review test results, diagnoses, and treatment plan. We work several more hours to generate and in-depth diagnostic report.

    These types of evaluations identify various psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, substance abuse, and personality disorders that cause functional impairment to an individual. These include:

    Psychiatric Interview: Standardized DSM-5 interviews with the client and other informants to identify as well as rule out various psychological disorders.

    Social/Emotional Measures: Assess for underlying social, and emotional issues using behavior checklists, questionnaires, and projective tests.

    Other Information: Observations, records, and information from teachers and treatment providers if applicable.

    4. Current Treatment Program Evaluations and Follow-Up Testing:

    Description: Typically involves several hours of in-person assessments across several days. After all information is collected, we will schedule a feedback appointment with the person and/or family to review test results, diagnoses, and treatment plan. We work several more hours to generate and in-depth diagnostic report.

    a. New Client:

    We provide a second opinion by assessing whether one’s current treatment program is working for them or not. Typically, and if necessary, we may alter the current treatment program, identify new diagnoses, or even re-evaluate if we suspect an inaccurate diagnosis.

    b. Current Clients:

    Our current clients, we re-evaluate at various ages and milestones or when new concerns arise. Typically, this is done in order to assess outcomes, determine improvements/areas of need, identify any new disorders, and so forth. Re-testing helps ensure that we can proactively intervene and make change in treatment as necessary.

    Besides specialized diagnostic services, A.M.P. Autism offers Treatment Services that includes individual psychotherapy
    as well as family support for children, adolescents, and adults with Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders as well as
    Psychological Issues. Treatments vary depending on a person or family’s clinical needs at hand and are empirically or
    scientifically-validated. At times, especially during certain major life changes, those without any psychiatric diagnoses
    also find that psychotherapy is a very useful outlet. Sometimes, you just need to talk with someone.

    Below is a list of our current Treatment Services:

    1. Individual Psychotherapy:

    Description: Our psychotherapy sessions are held in-person and typically last 45-60 minutes. They provide a safe and
    confidential environment, one that allows for measurable growth and change besides consolation and healing.

    Empirically-supported treatments such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is utilized as well as other treatment
    approaches depending on a person’s specific needs.

    2. Family/Caretaker Training and Support:

    Description: Our family/caretaker training sessions are held in-person and typically last 45-60- minutes. Typically,
    when a child, adolescent, or an adult is getting evaluated and/or treated for Autism and Neurodevelopmental

    Disorders, their family’s training and active participation can also impact their progress while providing everyone
    with support and comfort. Children and adolescents with Psychological Issues also benefit from their family members
    or caretakers receiving their own family training and support.

    3. Case Management:

    Description: Our case management sessions are held in-person and typically last 45-60 minutes with the affected
    individual and/or their family/caretakers. Case management is dedicated to coordinating a variety of community-
    based services for individuals with developmental or more persistent psychological disorders who are anticipated to
    require ongoing support for a longer period of time.

    4. Skills Training:

    Description: Our skills training sessions are held in-person and typically last 45-60 minutes to target various skills
    (e.g., communication, social skills, behavior management, daily living, academics) relevant to daily life.

    Please visit our FAQ section if you have further questions, or contact us for a free initial consultation.
